Manual synchronization of Azure AD connect: AD connect sync occurs in every 30 mins by default. We can manually force the sync of Azure AD Sync from PowerShell or AD connect sync service.

1.From Azure Powershell command
Open Windows Azure Active directory powershell and run following commands.
( To install and download Azue Active directory powershell – Link)

Import-module Adsync
Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta          # To initiate Delta Sync
< or > Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta       # To initiate Full Sync

manual synchronization of ADSync

2. Azure AD connect synchronization service

Open the Synchronization service of Azure AD connect and select operations pane in Synchronization service manager .

manual synchronization of Azure AD connect

Run on action items or click CTRL+F5 which opens run connector . In run connector, select run profiles in following recommended order.

  1. Local domain Delta import
  2. Cloud domain Delta import
  3. Local domain Delta synchronization
  4. Cloud domain Delta synchronization
  5. Cloud domain Export
  6. Local domain Export

manual synchronization of Azure AD connect


AM@RNATH is a Technology specialist primarily focus on Microsoft Technologies & Cloud Security. His certification includes M365 Certified: Enterprise Admin Expert. He loves to explore things from the latest technologies to cooking new recipes. Basically from Chennai, the southern part of India. Lucky son, friendly husband, and a proud father who loves to spend time with his family & friends while the laptop is not in his table.

One thought on “How to run manual synchronization of AD connect – force Azure AD connect sync”
  1. There is typo on full sync command – it should be Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType full not “delta” # To initiate Full Sync

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